Altered StatesConnecting to your badass Higher Self
“spirit” – quantum physics (definition) :
“invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm”
Boss Lady Stace has been fully immersed in the world of metaphysical studies for the past 6(+) years, and gifted in other ways, such as : Clairsentience (clear feeling – a psychic ability), Psychometry (reading energy in objects), the ability to sense energy of spaces, and more.
Everyone has access to a plethora of ‘psychic’ abilities, you just need to open the door to your highest, and most badass self. The more you tune in and connect to your authentic self, the more you’ll heal in a multitude of ways (physically-mentally-emotionally), by purposefully “un-fucking your mind”.
Self awareness, is spiritual awareness. It’s time to de-code and re-code that body and mind, and connect with the spirit of who you truly are, and who you’re honestly meant to be/become in this life. Are you ready to explore your potential? Don’t worry, I’ll be (just) one of your many guides…
| es·o·ter·ic |
- intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest: esoteric philosophical debates.
| me·di·um |
- an agency or means of doing something: using the latest technology as a medium for job creation | their primitive valuables acted as a medium of exchange.
- a means by which something is communicated or expressed: here the Welsh language is the medium of instruction.
| met·a·phys·i·cal |
- relating to metaphysics: the essentially metaphysical question of the nature of the mind.
- based on abstract (typically, excessively abstract) reasoning: an empiricist rather than a metaphysical view of law.
- transcending physical matter or the laws of nature: Good and Evil are inextricably linked in a metaphysical battle across space and time.
| met·a·phy·si·cian |
- an expert in or student of the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being and knowing: a talented metaphysician famous for defending idealism.
| psy·chic |
- relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance: psychic powers.
- (of a person) appearing or considered to have powers of telepathy or clairvoyance: I could sense it—I must be psychic.
| spir·it |
- the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul: we seek a harmony between body and spirit.
- the nonphysical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation: a year after he left, his spirit is still present.
- the nonphysical part of a person manifested as an apparition after their death; a ghost: a priest performed a rite of exorcism and the wandering spirit was ousted.
- a supernatural being: shrines to nature spirits.