Lessons In Masculinity : Grooming Cleanup 101 – 2023 Revised (2020) Edition


Hey guys, Boss Lady here…

When’s the last time you assessed your grooming regimen?
I’m talking, in your cupboards, on top of your dresser, in your closet, total product cleanup? Yes, because your cologne lurks in many places – including closets. Let’s also not leave out your gym bag, car, and office drawers.

So do this : Take all your stuff. All. Your. Stuff. Place it all together, say, on your kitchen counter (or wherever you have an adequate amount of space to take stock of all your man shit), and let’s assess. Also, yes, this includes everything you use for face, body, hair, shaving, grooming (and like I already stated – cologne), tools, and the mishmash.

#1 – How old is it? If it’s more than a year old, toss it (don’t think about it man, just toss it). Clearly it’s not your fave, as you’ve neglected it. EXCEPTIONS, will be such things as cologne (up to 8 years, but please don’t treat your cologne like fine wine, and use it up), and solid balms (aka, solid cologne and beard/universal balms, which can last for up to 2 years). Do take note, that your universal product fail safe is 1 YEAR. If your product is older than that, just let it go. You’re welcome.

#2 – What’s left? Let’s separate what remains into categories now. Place what you (absolutely) love to one side, what’s so-so in the middle, and what you can (totally) live without on the opposite side (and then straight into the trash can, since you just figured that out Mr.). The so-so stuff – is it really useful? Do you enjoy it? Does it make you feel good, look good, smell good, or is it complete crap, with junk ingredients, or something your mother-in-law gifted to you (no offense mother-in-laws)? Let’s not leave out the Costco (in-bulk) buyers, hotel product hoarders, gifts from children, free stuff from parties, and the sort. Learn to let that shit go dude. Again, you’re welcome.

#3 – Sweet! Now you’re left with the stuff you LOVE. Well, hopefully. Let me make this clear – I want you to love your grooming routine as much as you love your favorite beverage, food, accessory, hobby, animal, etc. Remember, you could literally die tomorrow (sorry, but not sorry for the facts of life). If you don’t enjoy it, what’s the point! Seriously. And yes, there are many, may I say a plethora of amazing products for men on the market (as I happen to be an expert in that arena), so don’t go looking in the lady section for your salvation. Some stuff is unisex in nature, yes, but let’s keep it classy gent and masculine as hell, shall we.

#4 – What’s missing? Now that we’ve unloaded all your crap (yes, no more crap Mr.), let’s fix your routine by replenishing, re-working, and refining it! Things change as you age dude, just as drastic as your balls slowly heading towards the floor, due to the nature of gravity and time! Try new things! Who are you NOW, in this time of your life?!?

Explore new products, new scents/cologne, etc. Remember, it’s about quality (not cost), and the R.O.I. from that quality product – including how it enhances your life, makes you feel good, and look really damn good. Find helpful people – those who will educate you on said products. Have fun with it, but don’t over do it. Less is more, until more is more. So get out there! Explore the new YOU. Life is all about change and growth, after all.

#5 – Now I won’t leave ya hangin’ (cue pun-filled laughter)… So here’s some fun brands for you and your buddies to checkout, all of which have been #BossLadyApproved for your own personal safety, and manliness factor. Get over the “feminine fear,” and just try em’ all. Trust me, they’re good.

  • Dr. Bronners – I love their all-in-one castile soaps + shave soaps (peppermint, tis my fave)
  • Indie Lee – pretty much everything, but shoot straight for the COQ10 Toner – which is the perfect aftershave, anytime of day moisture boost, skin calmer, happy face elixir, badass liquid gold – the end
  • Jack Henry Co. – a mishmash of men’s fun I have yet to try, but ingredient approved
  • Lather – 100% my body care + hair addiction, is the Mint Thyme Shampoo, Conditioner, and Bodywash, Sea Kelp Bodywash, Unscented Bodywash, Sea Wool Sponges, and Shave Cream – which smells like marzipan, no joke – aka, almond cookies
  • Schmidt’s Naturals – originally a natural (jar) deodorant company, now featuring a plethora of fun products to smell test and abuse
  • The Honest Co. – made safe products for babies and adults – I’m a fan of the body wash

#6 – FINAL NOTE DEAR GENTS : DON’T BUY ANYTHING ON AMAZON. 3rd party sales are some of the top forms of fraud/counterfeit in the industry of beauty/grooming, wellness, and beyond. Go straight to the (product) company’s website (unless they have a legit authorized Amazon store – to prevent fraud), or choose a local “stockist” near your zip code – a location which is legally (and professionally) able to sell, teach, and distribute on said product line. Plus, you’ll be supporting local, which is always best. #ShopSmall businesses, as often as you can.


Boss Lady Stace – Aka, The ManHandler
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